Survey Finds Consumers in Favor of Guaranteeing Health Insurance for All
The majority of Americans (70.2%) say they would support a public policy to guarantee health insurance for everyone, according to a household survey conducted by the American Consumer Institute. Most in favor of a public policy included those earning less than $25,000 per year (77.6%), those less than 25 years of age (85.0%), democrats (88.6%), those living in the Northeast (76%), households with a union worker (77.4%), blacks (80.0%), Hispanics (84.3%), and females (75.1%). One-quarter of the respondents opposed such a policy, particularly those respondents identifying themselves as Republicans (49.5%). 4.5% were undecided. These results are from a national survey of 1,000 heads-of-households and are part of the Institute’s 2009 Consumer Pulse Survey. These survey results have an accuracy of plus or minus 3%.