Our mission is to promote consumer welfare by improving the understanding and impact that public policies and regulations have on consumers in a free market.
Maximizing Consumer Welfare
The American Consumer Institute Center for Citizen Research is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational and research institute founded on the belief that consumers’ interests are not satisfactorily represented by the wide variety of advocacy and consumer organizations that often represent small subsets of consumers and special interests; ignore distant, collateral and unintended consequences of importance to consumers; and too often mirror advocates’ political views rather than an empirical analysis of consumers’ economic welfare. The Institute focuses on economic policy issues that affect society as a whole, and we seek to be a better and more reasoned voice for consumers by using economic tools and principles to find public policies that work best for consumers. We are committed to use of generally accepted quantitative, cost-benefit analyses of policy alternatives and their transparent application to assure that our methods can fully and fairly evaluated on their own terms by those who may disagree with our conclusions. We use economic analysis to empirically measure “consumer welfare,” rather than relying on conjecture, opinion or political leaning to judge what benefits or harms consumers.
Here is what we stand for:
- We believe in (and use) real economic analysis in our work, not phony self-interest jargon by those claiming to represent consumer interests;
- We understand that excessive taxes and regulations on businesses, do not spare consumers these costs;
- While harming consumer welfare, we understand that excessive taxes and regulations can reduce competition, investment and jobs;
- We believe that the government needs to be fiscally responsible;
- We believe that government actions need to demonstrate more benefits than costs;
- We write empirical studies, not advocacy papers; and
- We believe in consumer sovereignty — the freedom for consumers to make their own choices and the importance of giving consumers better information to make those choices, instead of having “others” choose for them.
Please consider making a donation to the American Consumer Institute Center for Citizen Research. Your donation will help us conduct sound public policy research, and analyze the consequences of policies on consumers and the economy. To donate, click here.
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Center for Citizen Research are fully tax deductible
To read about our work, click here.
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