At the direction of Congress, the Federal Communication Commission requested public comment as the first step in developing a national broadband strategy by February 2010.  To facilitate discussion on this topic, the American Consumer Institute Center for Citizen Research held a public briefing with the following distinguished panelists:

  • Dr. Larry F. Darby, Senior Fellow for the American Consumer Institute and former FCC Bureau Chief
  • Dr. Rob Atkinson, President Information Technology & Innovation Foundation and former Presidential Appointee to the Commission on Workers, Communities, and Economic Change in the New Economy
  • James Gattuso, Senior Research Fellow of the Heritage Foundation and former FCC Bureau Chief
  • Dr. Ev Ehrlich, Senior VP and Director of Research for the Committee for Economic Development and former Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs

Moderating the event was Dr. Jerry Ellig, Senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
