Perspectives on Investment and a National Broadband Plan

On September 8th, the American Consumer Institute held a panel briefing on the development of a National Broadband Plan at the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, DC.

As background, the FCC currently is drafting is report on a national broadband strategy at the direction of Congress.  During this briefing we had a distinguished panel of investment experts talk about how to move America toward universal broadband and the most effective way to encourage new private sector investment in broadband networks.

The moderator was Dr. Larry F. Darby, Senior Fellow at the American Consumer Instutitute, and the panel members included:

  • Debbie Goldman, Policy Director and Research Economist, Communications Workers of America
  • Hal Singer, President, Empiris
  • Anna-Marie Kovacs, President, Regulatory Source Associates
  • Tim Horan, Managing Director, Oppenheimer & Co., Inc.