The American Consumer Institute (ACI) commends Senator Mike Lee of Utah for his newly released letter calling for greater antitrust scrutiny of Google. Senator Lee’s letter states that he has “strong concerns” about Google’s “possible abuse of its predominate position.”  This letter is an encouraging step on an issue that deserves more congressional attention.

For a number of months we have raised concerns about Google’s growing dominance and market position, which in our view has reached a tipping point.  That dominance will impact consumers, particularly as Google takes control of new markets, like the online travel space if it is allowed to acquire ITA software.  We are pleased to see Sen. Lee recognizes the dangers of Google’s dominance and business practices why it likely runs afoul of antitrust law.  An examination of Google’s use of its dominant market position will create a better business environment for competition and growth, and the consumer is the winner in the end.

It’s important to note that Sen. Lee’s letter comes on the heels of yesterday’s announcement that Sen. Kohl will hold hearings on antitrust issues surrounding Google.  It’s encouraging to see lawmakers on both sides of the aisle taking notice of this important issue.  The Judiciary Committee should heed the voices of consumers, business leaders and lawmakers and hold hearings on Google’s dominance and business practices.
