1. Artists, authors, manufacturers, and inventors use copyrights, trademarks and patents to protect their products from copycats. Do you agree or disagree that these protections are a good way to encourage innovation and creativity?
A. Strongly agree (58%)
B. Agree somewhat (25%)
C. Neutral, neither agree nor disagree (3%)
D. Disagree somewhat (5%)
E. Strongly disagree (5%)
F. DK/Other (5%)
2. Every year counterfeit goods and pirated content are sold across the world. These include knock-off designer products, look-alike truck tires and imitation pharmacy drugs, as well as copied computer software, videos and music. Do you think the selling of these counterfeit and pirated goods hurts American jobs and the economy?
A. Yes (82%)
B. No (12%)
C. DK/Refuse (6%)
3. Would you support or oppose legislation that would increase criminal penalties for anyone who knowingly sells counterfeit goods, equipment and parts to the U.S. military?
A. Support (80%)
B. Oppose (14%)
C. DK/Refuse (6%)
4. Would you support or oppose legislation that would increase criminal penalties for anyone who knowingly sells counterfeit drugs and medicines to Americans online?
A. Support (81%)
B. Oppose (13%)
C. DK/Refuse (6%)
5. Would you support or oppose legislation that would help block foreign-based Internet websites from trafficking counterfeit goods, content or services to Americans?
A. Support (79%)
B. Oppose (14%)
C. DK/Refuse (7%)
For a copy of the news release – click here
For the detailed results — IP crosstabs