The quote was in Monday (7/8/2013) night’s TR Daily article — FCC Approves SoftBank-Sprint-Clearwire Deals. Here is the full quote:
Steve Pociask of the American Consumer Institute Center for Citizen Research commented, “the FCC’s approval of the merging of Softbank, Sprint, and Clearwire is a testament of the highly competitive nature of the wireless industry and the need to acquire spectrum to meet consumer demand for fast, reliable service.” He added, “However, this approval is not a total win for consumers as the FCC put political expediency before policy when it chose not to count Clearwire’s spectrum in the spectrum screen. This spectrum is already being used for mobile broadband; thus, it clearly meets the FCC’s long-standing standard for inclusion. The government stepping in to pick winners and losers is a bad sign for consumers as they benefit from market-driven competition. I hope this isn’t a preview of what to expect for the incentive auctions.”