WASHINGTON – Today, the American Consumer Institute (ACI) sent a letter to Congress urging members to be wary of bills that undermine consumer welcome, including the American Innovation and Choice Online Act. The letter notes:
“The American Innovation and Choice Online Act would essentially prevent companies like Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft from offering integrated tech conveniences to consumers, putting at risk free services and making them less accessible to the public.
Consumers and small businesses alike would be harmed. The extreme legal risk created by such proposals will make it difficult for small businesses to access online marketplaces, which have been vital for their growth and success. These online marketplaces and platforms not only provided lifelines to small businesses during the pandemic, but also provided the opportunity for small businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs to access the pool of consumers and enjoy the free or low-cost online tools and services these marketplaces offer.”
To view the entire letter, click here.