If you missed part one of our new webinar series you can watch it HERE now.

On Tuesday, we gathered leading policy experts to tackle some of the toughest issues facing consumers in tech policy. Panelists discussed how future consumer protections are shaping up, from privacy legislation and what to do about robocalls, to the promotion of the sound spectrum policies needed to advance 5G deployments. Check it out now!

The Key Takeaways:

“What have been the results of that [GDPR] to date?…The large technology companies actually have larger market share today than they did a year ago…That has taken a number of people by surprise because it thought ‘well if we impose a massive kind of regulation,’ that somehow that would reduce the scale or the size of large companies. But I think as many can recognize, that regulation, very heavy handed regulation, can tend to reward large companies because they’re the ones with the large budgets and lawyers and compliance professionals…The cost of complying with the many regulations of the European Union have fallen the hardest on small firms.”Roslyn Layton, Visiting Scholar, American Enterprise Institute, and Visiting Researcher, Aalborg University Center for Communication, Media, and Information Technologies

“…what we’re doing [at the FCC] is looking at this problem [robocalls] holistically, and we’ve taken three tracks if you will, to approach this problem. One is we’re taking really aggressive enforcement…number two we’re making surgical policy cuts at looking at this problem as well as regulatory enhancements. And third, we’re teaming up with our partners at the FTC, the State Attorney General Offices and also our private stakeholders and industry.”Zenji Nakazawa, Legal Advisor to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, Public Safety and Consumer Protection

“A lot of what the FCC has been doing in the last two years personally excites me pretty greatly. In terms of spectrum, getting more spectrum available for commercial users, both on the licensed and unlicensed side of things, more work on infrastructure deployment in terms of cutting red tape and expediting and streamlining those processes…also revitalizing the workforce because at the end of the day these networks have to be deployed and operated by real people…to go out actually into the wild and deploy cable, build towers, install antennas. So, 5G is not just going to be good for the telecom industry, of course, it will, but in terms of the broader American populace, the labor workforce and of course all of the entrepreneurs who will build new things and businesses than can work on these new networks.”Tom Struble, Technology Policy Manager and Counsel, R Street Institute

