As the FCC expresses its intent to apply monopoly-style regulations on competitive broadband services, hundreds of lawmakers on the Hill continue to express their concerns.
One letter (click here … 20100526-jdd-ltr-to-genachowski-on-reclassification-signed-doc) was written by a chief Democrat lawmaker, Rep. John Dingell; and another letter was sent to the FCC and coauthored by others members Just last week, two other letters co-authored by many members were written to the FCC chairman expressing concerns with the FCC’s efforts to impose new broadband regulations.
Despite the apparent disapproval of House and Senate members, the FCC will likely announce a Notice of Inquiry into reclassifying broadband as a fully regulated services at its June 17th open meeting. The effort comes despite a recent court ruling limiting the FCC’s authority in imposing net neutrality regulations.